Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together


On Friday, Stanton's Tag Rugby Squad took part in the Chippenham Tag Rugby Festival. Out of the 20 teams that took part from both village and town schools,  Stanton won the competition! This means that we are now through to the Level 3 stage of the tournment which will take place early next term. It goes without saying this  is a fantastic achievement. Special thanks to Mr Moles for giving up his time to run the team and also to Jack for working behind the scenes organising practice sessions, kit and squad information.

In total the team played in 9 matches. The morning comprised of a group round. Seven teams played against each other, each match lasting 10 minutes.  In Stanton's group round, the team played against Lydiard Millicent, Monkton Park, Redlands, Queens Crescent, Bybrook B and Bybrook E. The team played fantastically as a team during the morning, winning 6 matches and scoring a maximum 30 points!

After lunch the teams were re-grouped. Group winners and best 'runner ups' played against each other. In this round Stanton played against St Peter's, St Marys and Kings Lodge. The matches were incredibly close and after winning two matches and drawing in one Stanton brought home the trophy!

There were some tired and muddy legs that went home on Friday! A huge congtratulations to the team not only for their victory but also for their team ethic and sports personship.

You are all a real credit and should be very proud of your achievements.