KS2 Word of the Week Challenge (Rhine)

Continuing on our vocabulary mission to learn new and exciting words!
Prior to our school closure, we were in full swing of learning a new word every week across the school. We have been learning words such as; laborious, tempestuous, irresistible and sumptuous to name a few. Learning these words has been widening your vocabulary bank and providing you with new and exciting vocabulary to use in your speech and writing.
Even though school is currently closed, we think it is really important to continue to learn a new word every week. Mrs Anderson shall therefore be posting a video on the school website every week with a new word and activities to learn and use your word of the week.
Once you have taken part in the video clip, see your challenges below! If viewing this on the app, please go to this blog post on the website to see the video.
Challenge 1: We challenge you to comment in the comments section below with your very best sentence that uses our word of the week. Each week we shall select the best KS2 sentence as our weekly winner.
Challenge 2: You may wish to complete the Word of the Week Activity page attached below. Send a photo of completed activities to your class email address.
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