Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Years 3 and 4 Forest School

This term, it has been wonderful to spend time with Years 3 and 4, in Forest School. Inspired by the class topic of World War 2, we have played team building games, including Forest Fire, which requires agility and communication, Creeping soldiers where listening and stealth are key and Feed your Troops requiring good vision, excellent teamwork and learning basic knot tying skills.

The children have had the opportunity to make bow and arrows, using a saw to cut their arrows to size and a knife to make indents into the bow to hold the string...


We have learned how to use a compass while navigating our way through a treasure hunt...


Whittled sticks to hold the all-important marshmallows for toasting on an open fire...


And of course, the children have had time to play, explore and just be...




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