Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

The Lovely Bug Club

This week we read the wonderful story 'The Ugly Bug Club' by Gail Abbitt.

This led to a fascinating debate over which bug would make the best pet....

"I would choose a spider because it would tickle me"

"I would choose a woodlouse because I don't like slugs or snails because they are slimy. A woodlouse isn't scary or slimy, and it wouldn't bite me."

"I would like a stick insect because I'm scared of spiders and I would keep it safe and put another stick next to it so the predators would get confused."

"I would choose a spider because then I could use it to scare people."

However, knowing that we couldn't take an actual bug home, we made our own minibeast pet to look after and play with...



We all agreed that the Ugly Bug Club should be renamed 'The Lovely Bug Club' and here they are having their very first meeting...

Caterpillar and sunflower circle update...

Four of our five caterpillars have formed into a chrysalis. We need to wait for the last caterpillar to transform into a chrysalis then allow a couple of days for the chrysalis to harden before we transfer them to their new home...

Our sunflower circle is growing nicely. The Nursery children are doing a wonderful job, making sure they are watered daily...