Super home learning!

This week lots of you have sent some excellent home learning to us. We have absolutely loved seeing your writing and maths word problems!
Thank you for sharing your learning with us, we are incredibly proud of all the hard work you have been putting in to your writing, maths and art.
Below are some examples of your home learning. Please do continue to share this with us. We couldn't include everything that was sent in, so this is just a selection! There is also a pdf attached to this blog.
Eli has made a volcano this week to go with his explanation text.
Jessica made a super musical instrument at home as well as a collage of a flower!
In school with Mrs Austin, they made a steampunk owl with working beak and claws! We are really looking forward to seeing all your submissions for Mrs Austin's challenge over the next few weeks!
Lots of you are running out of books, so please do visit the Oxford Owl website for free online books!
Keep safe everyone!
Best wishes,
Mrs South, Mrs Austin and Mrs Todd
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