Tell, Tell, Tell!

This week, Stanton has been learning to make a noise about bullying and not keep it quiet - tell people about it.
This week is Anti-bullying Week and at Stanton we have been doing lots of different things to learn about stopping bullying.
On Monday, we wore odd socks to school to get everyone talking about bullying. Mrs Matthews made a whole assembly about it and we learnt to Tell, Tell, Tell.
Tell the bully or bullies to STOP!
Tell a friend.
Tell a grown up.
We also learnt about making a noise about bullying - it is not OK and not nice.
On Wednesday, School Council did an assembly about anti-bullying week. They did a little play to show how it is not good to bully and they showed us a really good video about making a noise when we see bullying.
In Amazon Class, Mrs Anderson's Mum, Mrs Thorne, helped us to make odd socks by sewing letters on to felt socks. We made it into bunting that said "We say no to bullying, Tell, Tell, Tell."
Roman said "It made me feel quite big, because I haven't done sewing in a while and I was quite proud of myself."
"It made me feel proud because I haven't sewed in a long time" commented Ida, and Imogen felt that "Everyone did really good sewing and it was fun!"
Thank you Mrs Thorne for helping us to make some super bunting!
On Thursday in our singing assembly, Mrs Howarth taught us a really fun song about bullying, thank you so much!
On Friday with Mrs Todd, we learnt about banter and watched some videos about the effect of bullying on others. Then, we wrote some Haikus about bullying. A Haiku is a poem that uses syllables. It is made up of five syllables on the first line, seven on the second and five on the third line. Here they are!
Bullying is bad
Because it is mean to do
Tell Tell Tell to stop
By Year 1
Bullying is bad
Because it is horrible
Tell Tell Tell to stop
By Imogen, Roman, Dario, Louie, Amelia and Lola
Bullying is harsh
No bullying allowed here
Tell now, make a noise
By Marlow, Kelsi, Oliver, Eliza and Mabel
Bullying - unkind
Tell them to stop, make a noise
We don't want it here
By William, Esme, Emme, Maria, Cruz and Georgie
Well done everyone for making a noise about bullying this week!