Africa Adventures

Amazon Class have enjoyed being immersed in their topic this term- ‘African Adventures’. So far, we have explored the 52 countries that make up the continent of Africa, with a particular focus on Kenya.
We have been locating different features of Africa such as; Victoria Falls, the River Nile and the pyramids of Egypt.
We ventured off on a virtual tour of the African Savanna, learning about the Big 5 and the grassy, arid landscape.
We welcomed Mrs Moules into class to share photographs and treasured items from her time spent in Kenya and Uganda. This was such a valuable way for the children to hear about firsthand experience of rural village schools, accommodation, foods and traditions. The children were amazed by how different school life can be in rural Africa, with some children walking for over an hour to reach their school with no windows and little resources.
We have been in awe of the beautifully vibrant colours within African art. The children have recreated Ndebele artwork, watercoloured Sahara landscapes and after learning about why African women carry heavy baskets on their heads, using line art and pattern to interpret their learning. The children are looking forward to our final unit in art this term- creating African pottery.
#motivateeducatenurture #weareartists #wearegeographers #worldwise